hehehe...got myself a N81 from stinktel...only paid $130 after 2 yr plan and $150 mobile voucher from red rewards prestige...
so funny..cause my family lines and broadbang all under my father's name so it come as one HUGE bill....my papa then eligible for RED REWARDS PRESTIGE. wah so stylo still got card one lei...then got a $150 mobile voucher..haha......at Hello shop so crowded! but my papa flash his card then kenna privilege queue...other numbers is 5010, 5012, 50xx de.....but our number is 9000. wah damn nice man..then 5 mins then got service liao...i see the other people so jealous...lol
then got my n81..wah go home play until song song mens..hao lian pics..hehehe
it play video damn clear compared to my old Sony Errikson W810i.. happy with it! :D
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