
Woohoo...fuel is going up up and away! weeeee!

even the americans think so. quote from mtbr.com

"Yes, I will say that by May 19 it will be $4.50 a gallon then on June 1st $5.25. What will ALL those fools in DC say? Nothing at all. Off to work I go to pay as everyone knows the oil company man.

BUT (not a republican) you can only blame the whole DC crowd. No one can not tell me that they did not see this day arriving. It was on its way back in early 80's. Our economy and future is really limited unless we cut the string to oil. I believe it will take along along while to take place maybe in another 25 years to happen. The government should have been taking serious actions to get on alternative fuel choices many many moons ago."

u see the solution to this problem is
ride your bike.

No kidding. Who knew that the best alternative energy source could be yourself? hahaha.



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